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My Online Services

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One-on-One Coaching


To support women to feel more confident during their pregnancies

and for those wanting a more integrative approach.

- Normalising or clarifying issues that arise during pregnancy
- Holistic solutions for the regular pregnancy complaints

- Healthy nutrition during pregnancy and in preparation for childbirth

-  Specific nutritional support and guidance for gestational diabetes,

PUPPS, elevated blood pressure

-  VBAC coaching and preparation

-  Preparation for childbirth



Consultations are done online
Analysis of nutritional diary of minimum 4 days

Coaching call = 1 hour
Follow-up report with advise and suggestions



Coaching call: €75



The coaching sessions provide comprehensive information and advice on the best route

to recovery postpartum and how to create a healthy, holistic environment for a

newborn baby. The aim is to help normalise and empower.



- Preparation for postpartum

- Specific guidance and support for postpartum recovery
- Normalising or clarifying issues that arise during postpartum

- Specific newborn care
- Breastfeeding and feeding support
- Nutrition postpartum
- Baby colic support


Depending on the need consultations are done via

WhatsApp / WhatsApp video or Zoom.



A package of 5 consultations: €120
Follow-up report with advise and suggestions.

For any further contact; a calculation of 

6 WhatsApp messages or phone calls: €35


Holistic Sleep Coaching aims to support parents and their baby to achieve better sleep health. It helps parents understand how sleep works and how to use that knowledge to understand their baby better. It enables parents to support the uniqueness of their child, continue breastfeeding effectively (if this is their wish), and identify how to create the most supportive environment possible to optimise sleep within their distinct family.



Consultations are done online
Analysis of a baby sleep log of minimum 4 days
Consultation of 1 hour
Report with advice and suggestions
3 follow-up sessions; undetermined time frame but within the following 6 weeks

On-going WhatsApp/email/phone call *contact;

a calculation of 6 contact increments will cost €25 regardless of length and input.



Intake: €60
Total of 3 follow-up sessions: €75
Total of each 6 WhatsApp/email/phone calls (*contact ): €25

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